The 2021 BioInnovation Summit invited Elizabeth Blackburn, 2009 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, to share her views on "Science, Scientists and the Missions". There were heated discussions and presentations on " Latest breakthroughs in biomedicine", "Application of IVD in precision medicine", "Translational preclinical drug evaluation", together with CBA-USA annual conference and FDA Expert Club symposium held onsite.
The 2020 BioInnovation Summit took "Technology Fusion and Biomedical Innovation" as its theme, to deeply explore the role and prospects of cross-border integration in the field of health and medical innovation. We invited a number of industry experts to conduct extensive discussions.
In order to further cultivate innovation in the field of biomedical technology and to effectively promote rapid integration of new innovations into biopharmaceutical production, the First BioInnovation Summit & Hangzhou Bay Biopharmaceutical Breakthrough Summit and the Fifth BIG Impact Annual Conference will be held in October 2019. The goal of the BioInnovation Summit is to create a global high-level discussion facilitated brand an international annual event.
Professor, Central Academy of Fine Arts
Professor, Central Academy of Fine Arts
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